The complainant alleged that Transport Canada did not respond to an access request within the 30‑day period set out in section 7 of the Access to Information Act. The request was for records from specific dates related to the operation and restrictions applied to determined aircraft, received and distributed by a specific employee. The allegation falls under paragraph 30(1)(a) of the Act.

Transport Canada did not meet its obligation to respond to the request within the 30-day period.

The investigation revealed that the program area, Safety and Security, took three months to locate 148 pages of potentially responsive records.

The Information Commissioner ordered Transport Canada to provide a complete response to the access request no later than the 36th business day following receipt of the final report. Transport Canada gave notice to the Commissioner that it would likely be in a position to comply with the order. The Commissioner advised that, if the Minister does not intend to fully implement her order, he must apply to the Federal Court for a review within the time limit set out by the Act.

The complaint is well founded.

Transport Canada
Section of the Act
Decision Type
Final report
Date modified:
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