2023-24 Departmental results report at a glance
A departmental results report provides an account of actual accomplishments against plans, priorities and expected results set out in the associated Departmental Plan.
The vision, mission, raison d’être and operating context is available on OIC’s website.
Key priorities
OIC’s top priorities for 2023-2024 were as follows:
- Invest in and support our resources
- Innovate and transform our operations
- Maintain and enhance our credibility
In 2023-2024, total actual spending for OIC was $18,164,174 and total actual human resources spending was $15,716,307. For complete information on OIC’s total spending and human resources, read the Spending and human resources section of the full report.
The following provides a summary of the department’s achievements in 2023-2024 according to its approved Departmental Results Framework. A Departmental Results Framework consists of a department’s core responsibilities, the results it plans to achieve and the performance indicators that measure progress toward these results.
Core responsibility: Government transparency
Actual spending: $12,399,598
Actual human resources: 87
Departmental results achieved
- Canadians receive timely resolution of complaints about how federal institutions process access to information requests
- Complaint investigations result in increased access to government information
More information about Government transparency can be found in the Results achieved for core responsibilities and internal services section of the full departmental results report.