January 19, 2017

OIC Audit and Evaluation Committee (AEC) meeting (Teleconference)

Meeting Chair: Dyane Adam

Secretary to the Committee: Richard Rizok

Members: Dyane Adam, Chair; David Rattray, External Member; and Suzanne Legault, Information Commissioner.      
Regular attendees: Layla Michaud, Chief Financial Officer and Acting Assistant Commissioner; Nancy Bélanger, General Counsel and Director of Legal Services; and Richard Rizok, Senior Financial Services Officer.

Invitees: Riowen Abgrall, Principal, Office of the Auditor General; Stephen Campbell, Director, Financial Services, Security and Administration; Tania Ladouceur, A/Manager, Human Resources, Security and Accommodation; Gino Grondin, General Counsel; Nadine Gendron, Counsel.

Record of Decisions

Meeting summary

Information shared by Legal, Finance, Investigations and Human Resources.

Risk-based audit and evaluation plan as well as the Office of the Auditor General (OAG) Financial statement audit plan were discussed.

Welcome and opening remarks

The Chair welcomed all attendees and wished them a happy new year.

Minutes and action items from the November 9, 2016, meeting

The members approved the minutes from the November 9, 2016, meeting. They will be published on the OIC website.

No questions or comments with regards to pending action items.

Investigations Update – Presented by L. Michaud

Acting Assistant Commissioner discussed the number of complaints (1,664) closed as of January 18, 2017 (71% of 2016-17 goal).

External member requested an update on the number of cases closed at fiscal year-end before the May meeting.

Action item

The Assistant Commissioner will share final investigation results in April.

Finance Update – Presented by S. Campbell

Discussed possible lapse at year-end due to second floor fit-up, collective agreements and international conference costing less than originally forecasted.

Chair suggested paying back debt to Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC) for the move to the new building.

Action item

OAG Principal to verify historical information on debt and accounting transactions related to the debt payback.

Departmental Plan – Presented by R. Rizok

Secretary presented the Policy on Results and the changes from the Report on Plans and Priorities (RPP) to the Departmental Plan (DP).

Action item

Send copy of draft DP to external members for comment.

Phoenix Update – Presented by T. Ladouceur and S. Campbell

Update on over/underpayments caused by Phoenix Pay System, 5 cases waiting for advice from PSPC.

Chair recognizes efforts made by Human Resources and Finance and the pending increased workload with relation to T4s.

PSPC will be offering more training and guidance on T4s.

OAG Financial Statement Audit Plan – Presented by R. Abgrall

OAG Principal presented an overview of the audit plan.

Travel and hospitality will be a major focus of the OAG audit this year.

Discussions on fraud prevention and impact of Phoenix pay issues on OAG audit.

Commissioner expressed concerns with the level of materiality laid out in the audit plan and how it applies to Phoenix pay issues.

OAG Principal stated that Phoenix is a significant issue and it will take time until everything is addressed. This will be reflected in the final audit report.

Risk-based Audit and Evaluation Plan – Presented by R. Rizok and D. Rattray

Discussion on the need to establish a new Risk-based audit and evaluation plan (RBAEP) for the next 3 to 5 years.

Agreement to revisit new RBAEP at next meeting to incorporate any new risks stemming from legislative changes.

IM/IT Audit Follow up– Presented by R. Rizok

IM/IT audit recommendations reviewed and no questions or concerns were raised.

Parliamentary Activities – Presented by N. Gendron

First wave of amendments to the Act are still expected in the winter of 2017.

Updates given on meetings with ETHI and SECU committees.

A statistical report regarding the state of access to information was dispersed to 24 departments and comments are expected by January 20th, 2017. The report will then be revised and published.

In Camera Session

An In Camera discussion continued with the Commissioner, the Chair and the External Member.

Next meeting

The next meeting will be held on May 18, 2017.

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