Management Action Plan – Auditor’s Recommendations

The Office of the Information Commissioner of Canada (OIC) developed this Management Action Plan (MAP) following receipt of Samson’s final evaluation report on the OIC’s registry function. During the evaluation, Samson made some key observations on specific issues and the OIC is committed to take the necessary actions to address each one.

Management Action Plan – Auditor’s Recommendations







1. Improving the Registry’s electronic tools (i.e., Intrac) would increase its efficiency

1.1 Update the Registry’s electronic tools and automate functions where feasible.  

1.1.1 Identify business needs and evaluate the feasibility (technical & operational) of potential options.

Corporate Services Sector


In Progress

1.1.2 Present findings and recommendations to SMC

December 1, 2021

1.1.3 Implement approved changes

Q1 2022-23

2. Providing more information on the grounds of complaint in the OIC’s notice of investigations could allow institutions to respond quicker and more accurately to requests for documents.  

2.1 Provide additional clarity to institutions while maintaining flexibility in the OIC’s investigative processes. 

2.1.1 Identify opportunities and challenges for more targeted communications from the Registry.

Investigations Sector


In Progress

2.1.2 Present findings and recommendations to SMC

December 1, 2021

2.1.3 Implement approved changes        

Q4 2021-22

3. Time frames for responding to requests for documentation are too short, and extensions have become the norm.  

3.1 Provide reasonable deadlines for institutions to provide documents to the Registry

3.1.1 Review deadlines and rates of compliance with deadlines related to the provision of documents from institutions.   

Investigations Sector


In Progress

3.1.2 Present findings and recommendations to SMC

December 1, 2021

3.1.3 Implement approved changes        

Q4 2021-22

4. Using the same documents for multiple related complaints could reduce redundancies.  

4.1 Explore opportunities for using the same documents for multiple complaints.

4.1.1 Determine the feasibility (operational & legal) of using the same documents for multiple related complaints.

Investigations Sector & Legal Services

Q4 2021-22

Not initiated

4.1.2 Present findings and recommendations to SMC

Q1 2022-23

4.1.3 Implement approved changes        

Q2 2022-23

5. Monthly status reports would help institutions coordinate activities in their own departments on an ongoing basis.  

5.1 Increase transparency by providing monthly status reports to all institutions. 

5.1.1 Develop a plan to share monthly status updates from Intrac to institutions.

Investigations Sector

Q4 2021-22

Not initiated

5.1.2 Present findings and recommendations to SMC

Q1 2022-23

5.1.3 Implement approved solution        

Q2 2022-23

Date modified:
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