OIC stats (as of March 31, 2024)

StatsFY 2022-2023 
(As of March 31, 2023)
FY 2023-2024
(As of March 31, 2024)
Inadmissible complaintsN/A
  • The Registry refused to investigate 15 eligible complaints this fiscal year.
  • We received 1 571 inadmissible complaints.

Out of the 1 571 complaints:

  • 552 inadmissible because we did not have enough information to determine the admissibility of the complaint
  • 391 late (of this number, 336 are delay complaints)
  • 456 outside mandate
  • 56 abandoned by the complaining party
  • 42 duplicates – there is already an ongoing investigation regarding the same allegation
  • 9 premature
  • 10 for which the Commissioner has exhausted her jurisdiction to investigate
  • 55 – others
Complaints registered


(6,417 admin;

990 refusal)


(2,204 admin;

1,150 refusal)

54% decrease

March 31, 2023:

  • IRCC admin: 68% of total admin complaints.
  • CBSA admin: 8% of total admin complaints

March 31, 2024:

  • IRCC admin: 22% of total admin complaints.
  • CBSA admin: 25% of total admin complaints. Both FYs: continue to receive more admin than refusal complaints.

CBSA admin (March 31, 2024) = 25% of all admin

Top five institutions – complaints registered

IRCC – 4,685

CBSA – 613

RCMP – 479

CRA – 199

PCO – 172

CBSA – 762

IRCC – 612

GAC – 257

PCO – 219

RCMP – 217

GAC complaints have increased by 206 % over last year at the same time – 145 or 61 % from one complainant this FY to date.

March 31, 2023 = 70 (60 admin; 20 refusal)

March 31, 2024 = 239 (218 admin; 39 refusal)

CRA complaints have decreased by 54% from last year at the same time. No longer in top five.

Complaints closed


(6,648 admin;

1,441 refusal)


(2,915 admin;

1,268 refusal)

48% decrease

Refusals as % of closed complaints – March 31, 2023 = 17%

Refusals as % of closed complaints – March 31, 2024 = 30%

In FY 2022, three (3) complainants have accounted for 36% of the complaints closed. All were IRCC complaints and CBSA complaints (over 500 complaints individually).

In FY 2023, two (2) complainants have accounted for 49% of the complaints closed. The rest of the closed complaints were spread out over various individuals.

Inventory3,4722,65024% decrease
Top five institutions – in inventory

IRCC – 940

CBSA – 423

RCMP – 274

LAC – 235

PCO – 206

 CBSA - 530

 PCO – 256

 GAC – 236

 RCMP – 202

 IRCC – 160

LAC pending complaints – March 31, 2023 = 235

LAC pending complaints – March 31, 2024 = 142 – 40% decrease

GAC pending complaints – March 31, 2023 = 91

GAC pending complaints – March 31, 2024 = 236 – 159% increase

IRCC pending complaints have decreased by 83%.

6.1 applications
Applications received911

Total applications since 2019: 68

Granted: 8

Refused: 46

Withdrawn: 12

Pending: 2

Applications granted23 
Orders issued


(135 admin; 22 refusal)


(275 admin; 35 refusal)

Total since June 2019: 502
Orders – top five institutions

Orders – top five institutions

2023-2024 (As of March 31, 2024)

# of Orders
1.Library and Archives Canada104
2.National Defence32
3.Privy Council Office25
4.Canada Revenue Agency18
5.Transport Canada17
Orders – top five institutions

Orders – top five institutions 

2022-2023 (As of March 31, 2023)

# of Orders
1.National Defence22
2.Privy Council Office12
3.Public Services and Procurement Canada12
4.Innovation, Science and economic Development11
5.Transport Canada10
Date modified:
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