Backgrounder - Department of National Defence


DND – four year snapshot2019-202020-212021-222022-23
Requests received1972202825232241
Requests closed1691188821562242
Pages processed202,834232,550266,367213,059
# of requests carried over into next reporting period1294141117781777
Timeliness (% of requests closed within 30 days)59%51%59%57%
Timeliness (% of requests closed over 121 days)24%33%24%31%
  • Number of requests decreased by 11% from the previous FY.
  • Most requests were completed in 30 days or less or 121 days or more in 2022-23.
  • In 2022-23, 858 requests were in deemed refusal.
  • In FY 2022-23, most requests (58%) were from the public.
  • Exemptions most often invoked: 19(1), 15(1), 21(1), 20(1).
  • According to DND, its performance decreased this FY for the following reasons:
    • Increased media attention and public interest relating to Departmental priorities such as Sexual Misconduct and class action lawsuits affect Offices of Primary Interest (OPI) ability to retrieve records. Timely review by the ATIP office is further impacted by the complexities inherent in this sensitive and complex information.
    • ATIP staffing challenges continue due to a competitive job market. Staff turnover at all levels reduces operational efficiency while new employees onboard and learn. Hiring and training new employees creates additional workload for ATIP management and support services. Efforts continue to recruit and retain talented individuals to staff vacant positions.
  • According to DND, in FY 2022-23, National Defence responded to 1833 informal requests, which represented a 180% increase over the previous reporting period. Approximately 65.5% of these cases were processed to respond to a single individual.


DND - Registered and closed complaints 2019-20 to 2023-24
DND - Registered and closed complaints 2019-20 to 2023-24
  • Two complainants are responsible for 22% of the DND complaints since 2019-20.
  • 2019-20 was a high in registered complaints against DND. This was the result of a large number of complaints from two complainants comprising 56% of the complaints registered that year.
  • Most complaints concern sections 15, 16, 19, 20, 21 and 23.
  • Outcomes:
    • Well-founded = 268
    • Cease to investigate, resolved/resolved = 179
    • Discontinued = 117
    • Not well-founded = 78
    • Cease to investigate, unnecessary = 3
    • Refuse to investigate = 2
Complaints registered in 2023-2024 (as of Feb 22/24)
InstitutionComplaints registered in 2023-2024
(as of Feb 22/24)
1Canada Border Services Agency655
2Immigration, Refugees & Citizenship Canada555
3Global Affairs232
4Royal Canadian Mounted Police204
5Privy Counsel Office193
6National Defence103
7Library and Archives Canada89
8Canada Revenue Agency88
9Health Canada66
10Transport Canada61
11Public Service and Procurement Canada56
12Canadian Security Intelligence Service52
13Indigenous Services Canada41
14Employment and Social Development Canada41
15Canadian Heritage40
16Environment and Climate Change Canada34
17Public Safety33
19Correctional Services Canada29
20Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada29


  • There is a total of 2,836 complaints pending at the OIC.
  • The OIC has 97 pending complaints against DND.
  • In FY 23-24, there are 50 pending admin complaints and 47 pending refusal complaints.
  • All but one of the pending complaints pre-2023-24 are refusal complaints.
Complaints pending
InstitutionComplaints pending
1Canada Border Services Agency536
2Privy Council Office253
3Immigration, Refugees & Citizenship Canada250
4Royal Canadian Mounted Police241
5Global Affairs231
6Library and Archives Canada162
7Canada Revenue Agency132
8Public Services & Procurement Canada107
9National Defence97
10Transport Canada68
11Health Canada65
12Indigenous Services Canada48
14Employment and Social Development Canada46
15Canadian Security Intelligence Service43
16Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada36
17Correctional Services Canada33
18Canadian Heritage31
19Public Safety31
DND inventory
Text version
DND Inventory of pending complaints - by FY registered
DND Inventory of pending complaints - by FY registered
PRE 2019-202


  • 53 since 2019 – 47 admin; 6 refusal (outcomes from June 2019 to February 2024).
Date modified:
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