November 23, 2023

Minutes of the Audit and Evaluation Committee (AEC) Meeting

November 23, 2023

9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m .

Virtual Meeting


Janine Sherman, External member – Chair

André Grondines, External member

Caroline Maynard, Information Commissioner (absent)

Secretary to the Committee:

France Labine, Deputy Commissioner, Corporate Services, Strategic Planning and Transformation Services

Regular attendees:

France Labine, Deputy Commissioner, Corporate Services, Strategic Planning and Transformation Services, Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and Chief Audit Executive (CAE)

Senior Management Committee:

Layla Michaud, Deputy Commissioner, Investigations and Governance

Natacha Bernier, Acting Deputy Commissioner, Legal Services and Public Affairs


James Ellard, Senior Director, Public Affairs

Catherine Lapalme, Principal, Office of the Auditor General of Canada

Sébastien Lafond, Director, Finance, Procurement, Administration and Security and Deputy Chief Financial Officer (DCFO)

Michael Walsh, Financial Management Advisor

Ann Mousseau, Director, Human Resources

Meeting Summary

Approval of Agenda and Record of Decisions and action items from the September 20, 2023, meeting.

Forward Calendar Approval.

Presentation of overpayments related to Phoenix.

Presentation of the highlights of upcoming corporate initiatives and activities.

1. Welcome and Opening Remarks

The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting. Mrs. Sherman stated that she attended the meeting for the members of the audit committees and found it very useful as well as Mr. Grondines.

France, standing in for the Commissioner, informed members that Natacha Bernier would be Acting Deputy Commissioner, Legal Services and Public Affairs, until January. In addition, she announced that Patrick Alexandre would be acting in for Bojana Terzic, who had recently left the OIC for a promotion.

2. Minutes and Action Items from the February 8, 2023, Meeting

The minutes were approved with minor corrections in English.

France stated that the two following action plans were still in progress.

Human Resource – PSC Staffing File and Monitoring Exercise (development of guidelines/tools for assessing the security level/language profile required for a position is still in progress)

The Evaluation of Internal Controls over salaries and employee benefits (mainly the implementation of a new electronic leave management system, even though Phoenix and MyGCR remain active).

Action item:

The minutes would be published on our website.

3. Phoenix Update—Internal Controls

Sébastien Lafond and Ann Mousseau presented the highlights, the volume and the value of transactions and the key controls put in place.

Action item:

France Labine confirmed that an annual update would be presented to committee members.

4. CAE and CFO Update — Presented by F. Labine

France presented some highlights and indicated that the departmental security plan had been endorsed by senior management.

Action item:

No action required.

5. Financial Statements – Presented by S. Lafond

The Senior Director, Finance, presented the Period 6 Financial Statements for 2023–2024, which indicated a small surplus that would be used for next year’s projects.

Action item:

No action required.

6. Update from the Deputy Commissioner of Investigations and Governance — Presented by L. Michaud

Layla presented the highlights of her report and France indicated that the approach taken to survey our complainants would also be used to inform our accessibility plan.

Action item:

No action required.

7. Update from the Acting Deputy Commissioner of Legal Services and Public Affairs — Presented by N. Bernier

Ms. Bernier indicated some follow-ups on proceedings (Superior Court) that had been concluded and next steps.

Action item:

No action required.

8. Update from Public Affairs—Presented by J. Ellard

The Senior Director provided an update on recent events. Finally, he provided few highlights on the work of the Communications, Translation and ATIP teams.

Action item:

No action required.

In Camera Session

No session was scheduled for in camera discussion.

Next Meeting

The next meeting is scheduled for February 22, 2024.

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