
The Information Commissioner publishes the final reports on her investigations on this website when she deems them to be of value in providing guidance to both institutions and complainants.

The Office of the Information Commissioner has established the Decisions Database to enable users to search final reports and other decisions, which outline the reasons and principles behind the Commissioner’s decisions and filter them using a number of criteria.

This database is updated regularly and continues to grow as more final reports, decisions and orders are added. The dates indicated refer to the date on which the decision was rendered.

Institutions are legally obliged to abide by an order from the Commissioner unless they apply to the Federal Court for a review of the matter that is the subject of the order. The Access to Information Act does not provide any other alternative to complying with the order. 

To learn more about the Information Commissioner’s orders, please visit our Frequently asked questions.

Other Corporate publications are available on the website.

Decision Type

638 decisions found

Oct 1

Decision pursuant to 6.1, 2023 OIC 48

Section of the Act
Decision Type
Declining to act on a request

An institution submitted an application seeking the Information Commissioner’s approval to decline to act on an access request under subsection 6.1(1) of the Access to Information Act. In the institution’s opinion, the request is both an abuse of the right to make a request and vexatious. The institution further claims that it met its duty to assist the requester prior to seeking approval to decline to act.

The Commissioner finds that the institution showed that it fulfilled its duty to assist the requester prior to seeking approval to decline to act. The institution, however, did not establish that the access request is either an abuse of the right to make a request or vexatious.

The application is not granted.

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Oct 1

Decision pursuant to 6.1, 2023 OIC 50

Section of the Act
Decision Type
Declining to act on a request

An institution submitted an application seeking the Information Commissioner’s approval to decline to act on two access requests under subsection 6.1(1) of the Access to Information Act (the Act). The institution argued that the access requests were made in bad faith and were an abuse of the right to make a request. The institution further submitted that it had fulfilled its duty to assist the requester.

The Commissioner found that the institution did not show that it had fulfilled its duty to assist obligations under subsection 4(2.1) prior to seeking approval to decline to act on the requests. As a result, it is not necessary to determine whether the access requests were made in bad faith or were an abuse of the right to make a request.

The application is denied.

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Sep 28

National Defence (Re), 2023 OIC 27

National Defence
Section of the Act
Decision Type
Final report

The complainant alleged that National Defence did not conduct reasonable searches in response to access requests under the Access to Information Act for records relating to certain contracts. The complaints fall within paragraph 30(1)(a) of the Act.

The investigations determined that National Defence had not attempted to retrieve records in the possession of the third party that National Defence was entitled to obtain under the contract. As a result of the investigations, National Defence contacted the contractor to request copies of the records and retrieved the documents.

The Information Commissioner ordered that National Defence process any additional records located, provide new responses to the complainant that either give access to any additional records or identify why the additional records are not responsive to the request.

National Defence gave notice to the Commissioner that it would be implementing the orders.

The complaints are well founded.

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Sep 27

Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada, 5823-00179

Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada
Section of the Act
Decision Type
Delay in responding to a request
Institution file #
Did the institution give notice it would implement the order?
Order: provide a complete response to the access request no later than October 17, 2023.
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Sep 27

National Defence, 5822-07096

National Defence
Section of the Act
Decision Type
Delay in responding to a request
Institution file #
Did the institution give notice it would implement the order?
Order: provide a complete response to the access request on the 36th business day following the date of the final report.
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Sep 26

Parks Canada (Re), 2023 OIC 26

Parks Canada
Section of the Act
Decision Type
Final report

The complainant alleged that Parks Canada had improperly withheld information under subsection 19(1) (personal information), paragraphs 21(1)(a) (advice or recommendations), 21(1)(b) (accounts of consultations or deliberations) and 21(1)(c) (positions or plans developed for negotiations), and section 23 (litigation privilege) of the Access to Information Act. This was in response to an access request for records related to Benga Mining or the Grassy Mountain Coal Project and communications, including internal records relating to such communications, regarding Benga Mining or the Grassy Mountain Coal Project, that were exchanged between the institution and the Alberta Energy Regulator. The complaint falls within paragraph 30(1)(a) of the Act.

During the processing of their request, the complainant had expressly indicated that they were not interested in information not related to Benga Mining or the Grassy Mountain Coal Project. The Commissioner was satisfied that based on the particular facts of this case, Parks Canada was justified in not processing records, or portions thereof, which the complainant had agreed should not be considered part of the response to their request.

During the course of the investigation, Parks Canada disclosed a portion of the record initially withheld under paragraph 21(1)(a). The Information Commissioner was satisfied that the information that remained withheld under subsection 19(1), paragraph 21(1)(a) and section 23 met the criteria of the exemptions.

The complaint is well-founded.

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Sep 26

National Defence, 5822-07139

National Defence
Section of the Act
Decision Type
Delay in responding to a request
Institution file #
Did the institution give notice it would implement the order?
Order: provide a complete response to the access request on the 36th business day following the date of the final report.
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Sep 26

National Defence, 5822-07211

National Defence
Section of the Act
Decision Type
Delay in responding to a request
Institution file #
Did the institution give notice it would implement the order?
Order: provide a complete response to the access request on the 36th business day following the date of the final report.
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Sep 22

Global Affairs Canada, 5822-06683

Global Affairs Canada
Section of the Act
Decision Type
Delay in responding to a request
Institution file #
Did the institution give notice it would implement the order?
Order: provide a complete response to the access request no later than on the 36th day following the issuance of my final report.
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Sep 19

Correctional Service Canada, 5822-05192

Section of the Act
Decision Type
Delay in responding to a request
Institution file #
Did the institution give notice it would implement the order?
Order: provide monthly interim releases, with a complete response to the access request as soon as possible but no later than September 30, 2024.
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